Favorite phrase:
* Anyone can make you cry. But not everyone can make you happy. So hold on to the people that make u happy=D
Navigations are up there.
It's me,The Happy crazy girl
★STELLA ´¯`·.¸ع١٥٧ , °F
I ♥ name, its awesome!
I'm naive/Happy crazy girl/talkative & loud.
♥ FOOD!!!
♥ Surprise
♥ sunflowerrrrr:D
♥ travel to diff countries.
♥ MICKEY & Cinderella.
Don't ever lie or accuse me, I can't take all this nonsense.
♥°F ♬; 吴尊 ♥SS-501 ♬; KIM HYUN JOONG ♥S.H.E ♬ ; ELLA
If being straight forward will to be rude,
This world will be fill with full of Hypocrite people,
Friendship is not about the number of years you know each other,
is about who have came in your life and never left.
Accoutning Fundamentals CA1 21 May 2009 @ Thursday, May 21, 2009
Breakfast Set!
With Joanne(: Seriously I hate my front camera): Duh!
Saw this during on the way to Taka! I find its cool~ This guy is blowing bubbles.
See see his tounge sticking out! haha!
Hohoho! Done with my AFD (Accounting Fundamentals) CA1. This coming Monday having BEV (Business Environment) test unit three! Every week have BEV test for sure. Duh!
Have you people see the Nuffnang thingy at my web on the left hand there, remember to CLICK on it. Got this done with the help of Si yan! 谢谢你! (: & Thanks Joanne for helping with my DS thingy. Today in class like both mad lady talking to the DS, playing with our dogs. Haha! I love my dog, she is cute.
Let me talk about what happen during my morning break in school today, have my so call extra breakfast (cos I ate 2bread on the way to school) & lubch, so it was 20 or so before 11AM, which means there is still Breakfast Set, so I order one, you know what the auntie said? Can you don't order this and change to western set? Wth right! Once I have decided what I want to eat, its hard for me to change my mind. I don't really like the auntie attitude! Argh!!! Overall the food there is still not bad, just a litter pricey as compare to the others.
Was still feeling unwell today, so give BBQ a miss): Was sad, cos I can't go for Esther's birthday celebration. But I wondering hows the BBQ going on now as it seems to rain soon at anytime.
Hopefully I can get better so that I can go for movie tomorrow. Tomorrow watching "Night at the Museum 2" I was looking forward for the show. haha! & pepper lunch tomorrow! Weets*
& I'm confirm buying that "Double Peacock flare tunic - white" & a belt. Heehee! STELLA like online shopping.
Oh, & I'm going off to Compass to print my passport thingy(for school stuff)/buy honey drink for my throat/have my dinner! I hate it when Granny is not in my house, no one to cook for me, and at night I have to think hard what to eat. I'm picky when comes to food. I like eating nice and my favorite food^^
Lastly, now is raining & I'm feeling cold~ Ah chew! Ah chew!
Bye people!
PS:/ I'm craving for milk tea with pearls from "Street" @ RC! Edited:/ As promise I will update 吴尊's picture(: So here is one of it, the latest picture from his blog:D ^^ heehee!