Sick ):
20 May 2009 @ Wednesday, May 20, 2009

STELLA is sick again, sore throat plus slight headache. Lucky is just slight headache* Let me recall what I ate yesterday, two small pie (Ham & cheese & Mushroom), cereal, hotplate prawn egg, ma ma snacks, chocolates, one small piece of grill beef, 3 Ham & cheese prawn balls, auntie's ann chocolate, fish, rice and soup plus little amount water I drink. I think this is the reason that lead to my sore throat): Argh!
Skip my morning S&W (Sport & Wellness) I really wanted to go, wanted to go for a swim, I even went to buy a new swimming suit yesterday, but too bad, I'm not feeling well, so went to school late & left school after CMS (Communicating Service) lesson, as I'm really feeling unwell, so I skipped LLA (Life Skills) lesson. Skipping lesson should not become a habit, STELLA, NEVER!
Tomorrow having AFD (Accounting Fundamentals) CA1. One hour for 4 questions, is it possible. I think so, cos nothing is impossible(: So, will stick myself on my chair later on to study and give my 11PM tv show a miss & sleep early tonight so that I'll have energy for tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a long day for me.
Opps, went online shopping and spot something, I'm buying it! haha!
*For how many donkeys days/weeks/months/posts I did not upload any pictures of any Fahrenheit member & 吴尊! I'm going to upload soon! ~PS:/你快乐,就是我快乐!haha! :D