01 December 2008 @ Monday, December 01, 2008
Here comes DECEMBER! Hurray~
Count down, count down...
24MORE DAYS TO CHRISTMAS. Santa Claus is coming to town:D
then CNY, DAD's birthday, Mine birthday, Joey's birthday and so on.. HA-HA-HA!
Okay, I am thinking what should I get for my girls on Christmas. Hmmm, let me have some idea(s). Think, think & think.
Oh, this Saturday family's chalet is coming. Ha-Ha. Who want accompany me go to the Beach/Roller blade/Cycling/Swimming/Indoor ferries wheels and etc. Ha-Ha! I am always so looking forward for Family's chalet/Outing and etc. Ho-Ho-Ho!
& I have a very sweeeeeeeeeet dream yesterday night. I dream of Fahrenheit concert. Wha-Ha-Ha =X
Things aside, back to my serious topic, Agent yet to call #$%^&* so I gave her a call, she said they are handling my case and so on.. Blah blah blah~ So I have to continue waiting. Said I have not sign a contact so now they aer waiting for their manager to settle this thing. ASAP TO LET ME GET MY PAY!
Okay, agent just called me. & said that the previous company did not want to pay them up and they can't pay me. As I did not sign any contract that can prove that I have been working the past five days. But my agent is still willing to help me call up the previous company and talk to them. I was very angry and annoy! Middle finger to my previous company__ Is all right, if you don't wanna pay, I will complain to the Manpower:D If the manpower also agree with you, then I have nothing to say. ROARS~ What a lousy company I work at. PUKE!
Agent called again, said the company willing to pay BUT only for 2days(Thursday & Friday) as for Monday to Wednesday will only be my transport fees, as I did not work for a month. WTF! Three days pay just gone like that. 2days will only be 90plus, cum transport fees, I think will have 100bucks. Damn the company. I still have to go back to the company and get the signature from the sickening supervisor before I can get the pay __ (I am going to drag someone with me to the place, I don't want to go along, the people there are MONSTER!)Damn them to the max!!! Seriously, this is a lesson for me to learn, not to find such company in the future. ROARS! I believe one day, they will get their retribution! I going to find work soon~ ASAP. Tomorrow still have to make a trip down to Suntec Tower One to fill in the form. ROARS~ So sway to work for that company. Yucks. Rotten luck shoo! Go away.
AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I going play my word search and see my beloved fahrenheit's(吴尊) photo(S) Ha-Ha! This is my best medicine for now~