Zoo part 2
21 November 2008 @ Friday, November 21, 2008
ZOO PART 2(Pictures from Min cam)
Ha! Does she looks like a tourist?

Make a guess(?)
Come again next time!
Should I say again? I see no point repeating again when I've said twice..
ZOOM~ Off to play with my pet rainbOw(:
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Today is.. the dateline I gave myself last time, see its not working. Laughs~ & yeah, I did not say:D I don't know why today pass so slow): Yawns~
I need A JOB! I am going to buy newspaper later on to check if any jobs available. ^^ I don't want to stay at home EVERYSINGLE DAY, just like an idoit rotting at home.
EAT,PLAY COM,SLEEP is what I am doing the past few days.. AND THEN WHATS NEXT WAITING TO DIE? Ha-Ha!
I wish money can drop from the sky or either in Dad or Mum's hand. Wha-Ha-Ha. Its kind of shameful to take money from them. :S
28more days to Fahreneheit Tour Concert! Double dang! :D weets. I can see WUCHUN~ Okay, I know I am a bit crazy over him..

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Weets weets, good news

'Gamma2000' called me just now and asked me to go down for an interview on Monday. I had gone there once for interview last monday(I think). They siad they will give me a call, and they really did

I asked for an early time at 10AM as I might has to attend some family thingy after that.
I hope Gamma will recurit me, so I will have a job. I will not have to rot at home :D God bless, STELLA for getting this job.