Favorite phrase:
* Anyone can make you cry. But not everyone can make you happy. So hold on to the people that make u happy=D
Navigations are up there.
It's me,The Happy crazy girl
★STELLA ´¯`·.¸ع١٥٧ , °F
I ♥ name, its awesome!
I'm naive/Happy crazy girl/talkative & loud.
♥ FOOD!!!
♥ Surprise
♥ sunflowerrrrr:D
♥ travel to diff countries.
♥ MICKEY & Cinderella.
Don't ever lie or accuse me, I can't take all this nonsense.
♥°F ♬; 吴尊 ♥SS-501 ♬; KIM HYUN JOONG ♥S.H.E ♬ ; ELLA
If being straight forward will to be rude,
This world will be fill with full of Hypocrite people,
Friendship is not about the number of years you know each other,
is about who have came in your life and never left.
want to buy & FLH 蒙牛酸酸乳concert^^ 27 July 2009 @ Monday, July 27, 2009
I have so many things to buy, but I am lack of cash~ Argh!!! I hate this kind of feeling~
No work = no extra income = no extra buying!
If really really on choice, I will ask from Dad. Cos Mummy 100% wont give money, for sure! Even Grand-ma gave me money she told her not too! The more she give, the more I will spend. Sad lurh!
Tomorrow will be able to choose new modules, I know what module I want from the start, my choice is still the same, very sure what I'm taking, Banking & Financial! Second choice will be the Entrepreneurship. No way will I take the Managing people blah blah module, don't get fool by its name. It has so many to study and memorise!
ADF exam on 5 August! CMS CA2 Role Play Presentaion on this coming Wednesday, am the second group. God bless me! Jia you:D
Meeting Cat On this coming 1August! Happy & jumping around* Hahaa:D See you soon, loves<3 Edited:/
Just watch FLH 蒙牛酸酸乳concert!!! Hahaa! & STOP SAYING THEY ARE NOT SINING LIVE! ITS LIVE, OKAY! Stupid*
Woots, its so high over HongKong, how I wish I was there, Muahaha~
Love it:D Still so charming as ever. Hahaa! Okay, some people will nag and said me again.. But I still want to said, STILL SO CHARMING & HANDSOME AS BEFORE! Hahaa! ^^
& after 2years or more, this is still my favorite line
就是想要把你占为己有 不要你出现在别人眼中 & 舍不得眨眼 怕少看你一秒钟 & yes this is 爱到