Favorite phrase:
* Anyone can make you cry. But not everyone can make you happy. So hold on to the people that make u happy=D
Navigations are up there.
It's me,The Happy crazy girl
★STELLA ´¯`·.¸ع١٥٧ , °F
I ♥ name, its awesome!
I'm naive/Happy crazy girl/talkative & loud.
♥ FOOD!!!
♥ Surprise
♥ sunflowerrrrr:D
♥ travel to diff countries.
♥ MICKEY & Cinderella.
Don't ever lie or accuse me, I can't take all this nonsense.
♥°F ♬; 吴尊 ♥SS-501 ♬; KIM HYUN JOONG ♥S.H.E ♬ ; ELLA
If being straight forward will to be rude,
This world will be fill with full of Hypocrite people,
Friendship is not about the number of years you know each other,
is about who have came in your life and never left.
Bus 31 is driving me crazy! ROARS* Why bus 31 is always packed with so many students. Today I waited for the 5 bus to arrive in order to board the bus, isn't it a bit too ridiculous? My god! I have to leave house early everyday except for Tuesday, lesson start late.
Okay, at least now I'm a bit looking forward to studying at Simei. Teachers over day keep on reminding us that over Simei, they have the best facilities, school, teachers and etc is very good. We are lucky to study over here. LOL! I'm keen to join the NYAA thingy, hope I can get chosen. Oh, as for my CCA I choose Jazz band & Community service. By joining Community service, I want to help these people who are in need(:
Lesson end about 20minutes early when down to business block to purchase my accounting stuff. I dislike one of my school staff(I think she consider as one?) She is so impolite okay. When to purchase 45cents notes from her still have to see her idiot face. ARGH* She is totally impolite. Asking her polity, she ignore me once, so I waited. Then for the second time, she ignore me too. WTH! You know what she said, can't you see I talking to teacher, you cannot wait is it? I pointed her middle finger and told her off, can't you at least respond, you are not mute!My friend was asking me relax, but don't you think she is simply rude. ROARS* I can't stand people who are impolite. I don't care who the hell are you talking with, with basic manners you should at least respond by asking me to hold on for awhile. But this idiot staff did not make my day down. NEH NEH POO POO*
My god, how am I going to spent my free 4hours in school tomorrow? After lesson ends, got 4hours free and there will be a talk after that. I think I should use the four hours wisely(: Ha-Ha-Ha! Evey minutes counts.
After school meet up with L.Shimin, she accompany me to buy thumb drive as my school lesson needs it. So being kiasu, I brought an 8GB one, I intend to buy the 16GB, but I don't think there is a need. Ha-Ha! & STELLA is happy that she finally purchase order Fahrenheit Second album which is "飞轮海in日本" album. Looking forward to collect it in don't know how many donkey months time. But I'll wait :D
This is the one I'm talking about(:
Working on this coming weekends(: &&& I received pays today, spent some of it already. I really mean some only(: & I saw the smiley tee, I want to buy. They sales promoter said there will be new stock in two weeks time. & I saw two sandals and one beach(I don't intend to buy as I do not go to the beach often, I just want to take a look) bag from the magazine, will drop by the shop when I'm free. Tee-hee!
My itchy hand go click on the Korean live journal and saw this which is pretty nice. Should I get it, I like many of the design(Each cost $12.90). How how how? I should not anyhow spent my money.