Favorite phrase:
* Anyone can make you cry. But not everyone can make you happy. So hold on to the people that make u happy=D
Navigations are up there.
It's me,The Happy crazy girl
★STELLA ´¯`·.¸ع١٥٧ , °F
I ♥ name, its awesome!
I'm naive/Happy crazy girl/talkative & loud.
♥ FOOD!!!
♥ Surprise
♥ sunflowerrrrr:D
♥ travel to diff countries.
♥ MICKEY & Cinderella.
Don't ever lie or accuse me, I can't take all this nonsense.
♥°F ♬; 吴尊 ♥SS-501 ♬; KIM HYUN JOONG ♥S.H.E ♬ ; ELLA
If being straight forward will to be rude,
This world will be fill with full of Hypocrite people,
Friendship is not about the number of years you know each other,
is about who have came in your life and never left.
Back to blogging(: I have decided not to blog as there is nothing much for me to blog(: & just concentrate on my up coming O's level:D & I wont go out unnecessary now all the way till O's level end. End of O's level I'm FREE! Ha-Ha! & I'm looking forward for after O's level(: I can't wait for the end of O's level. Fourteen more weeks for the start of O's level. 先苦后甜! People lets word hard together.
Next week, I'm having O's level Chinese Oral, Kambateh! & going out on Friday with A.T to buy her bag.
People don't call my house up(the fu*cking phone spoilt for no reason), call my hand phone instead(: Thanks.
Having mood swing, bad temper recently. Which I don't know why. I get piss off easily every now and then. I want to spent money! I want! But what should I buy? PS:/ You are the cause of everything(s)!