Favorite phrase:
* Anyone can make you cry. But not everyone can make you happy. So hold on to the people that make u happy=D
Navigations are up there.
It's me,The Happy crazy girl
★STELLA ´¯`·.¸ع١٥٧ , °F
I ♥ name, its awesome!
I'm naive/Happy crazy girl/talkative & loud.
♥ FOOD!!!
♥ Surprise
♥ sunflowerrrrr:D
♥ travel to diff countries.
♥ MICKEY & Cinderella.
Don't ever lie or accuse me, I can't take all this nonsense.
♥°F ♬; 吴尊 ♥SS-501 ♬; KIM HYUN JOONG ♥S.H.E ♬ ; ELLA
If being straight forward will to be rude,
This world will be fill with full of Hypocrite people,
Friendship is not about the number of years you know each other,
is about who have came in your life and never left.
Very first post for 2008 05 January 2008 @ Saturday, January 05, 2008
Hello, today is 4 of January, which means today is the third day I'm in school. My sec five life with a class of 25 peoples.
Anyway Happy 2008 (: & this is my very very very first post for the year. Alright I shall post a bit about things happen in the school. Okay, all my subject teachers have been change except for my Form teacher, Geography & POA teacher. These are the only 3 teachers which did not change(: Thanks god we have change our maths teacher but its not Mr A.Tay is Mr Tan instead. For the time being, I still find him quit good at least better than last year maths teacher Mr Teo:D
I'm the Environment Manager in class(: Last year, I was the Discipline Manager but seriously I don't think I did a good job last year. I did not really care about the class discipline as I'm not that well discipline either. So I hope this year I can do a good job =p
Alright, just now went to collect my spect, I made a new spect(: My eye sight degree have increase): I don't want it to increase anymore. So I have to protect my eyes and take good care of it. Eyes is so important.
By the way, Last week I went shopping with mummy she brought me A new school bag and few days after she brought me a dress (: I brought a black plain shirt for $49.90 using my own money now I was thinking was it really worth it. Mummy brought me a dress only for $53.90 as compare the dress is much more worth it then the shirt. & the bag cost her $100 and don't know how many cent. I love mummy so much.
Last but not least, I have really been trying not to fall asleep this year in class, try to pay much more attention in class. So Jia You, Stella :D
I shall upload my very first pic of 2008 next time (: