08 November 2007 @ Thursday, November 08, 2007
Yesterday when working got a Ang-mo customer and his wife is super funny and friendly (: ha ha. They last time about few weeks or months before came to Singapore this is there second time coming to the Airport sport bar "Star & legends". Last time when they come they snap a photo of our staff over there and they show us the photo yesterday. Ho ho ho! The photo is super funny everyone burst in laughter they wanted to take a photo of us but one of our staff rejected cos she is shy so ended up never take instead we helped them took a photo. (: They said they will drop by again next time. I also met a Denmark customer yesterday was friendly as well. Oh and a little girl from Indian I think she is super cute (: I wish I hope everyday could have such nice and friendly customer.
Anyway yesterday got 3 customer wanted to drink Spore sling so I made for them the first time I made failed but I try again, yeah, I passed. But got to try harder (: Yesterday got customer ordered screw driver as well which is a mixture of Orange and Vodka, I want to try this some day.
I also learn what is the percentage of the wine as well, for all A.wine is 13.5% French stone red wine is 12.5, French stone white wine is 12% Car special brew is 8.8% Royal is 8% the rest is 5%
I want to learn new things everyday.
I'm working night today as well, every one in the family is off today except dad and me still have to work. Ha.
P/s: I want my next pay and tippings to hit $500 if possible.
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& this is the chocolate fashion show I wanted to go so much but sue to working I can't go, quite disappointing ):
It's simply scrumptious! Central presents the delightful Chocolate Fashion Show. From chocolate accessories to chocolate headpieces, you will be entranced by this awesome feast.
It have earrings and necklace as well, but its hard to see in photo.
The hat is made of Chocolate
The hats is made of Chocolate and the some little parts of the dress
The hat is made of chocolate (:
The chocolate heel