11 September 2007 @ Tuesday, September 11, 2007

With My cousin JOEY

The Mini Lollipop Given by HL (: its cute

Today have my Geography & Maths paper 1 prelim. When doing geography my stomach hurts a lot, always like that when come to exam. My body have so many problems. So sleep for Half an hour after Geography. Its was a very nice weather to sleep as it is raining & I was feeling cold~
Break for around 30minutes before we start our next paper which is Maths. Everyone in class was so noisy when relief teacher wanted to start giving out the paper. So one of my classmate shouted out loudly & threw his table away & the table hit my other friend. It was like =.=" whats the point of throwing the table when you are angry it hurt others & it only get yourself into deep trouble.
Maths paper 1 was a bit easy but some I did not know how to do :( After maths paper took bus 62 with my classmates & change bus89 to interchange with Minyi due to raining :(
Tomorrow still have Combined Science to go.
& Tomorrow is also Victor's Birthday ; my cousin :D
Wednesday still have POA paper 1
Thursday the last 2 prelim paper POA & Maths paper 2.
& I've receive my Disney Pooh (: lalalas
I can't wait to reach Thursday, going AMK (: weets. &&&